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RJ Singer - ZhiNeng QiGong Byron Bay Australia

Updated: Apr 25, 2020

In two previous articles, I demonstrated a QiGong exercise that could resolve nearly any health condition, the ZhiNeng QiGong Wall Squat. While being an incredibly effective and powerful exercise, it is challenging and impossible for people that are unable to stand.

Here are some additional techniques that have similar benefits. They are far easier to do, and may be the most suitable QiGong exercise for some people. However, for those of you that are already doing wall squats, these are a welcomed addition that will increase your progress, and results in self-healing. They offer some other additional specialized benefits:

In QiGong, we spend a great deal of time improving our flexibility of the spine. This is an extremely important pre-requisite for health, and abundant circulation of Qi and Blood in the body. It is also imperative for opening the Du channel, known as the sea of Yang Qi before moving on to other practices. The Du Channel is said to have three places called the Three Narrows, where Qi is constricted. They also happen to be the three places where the majority of people have acute and chronic neck and back pain. These narrows are located at Ming Men (located below the second lumbar vertebra), at Shen Zhu (below the third thoracic vertebra) and at Ya Men (located below the first cervical vertebra).

With regular practice these three areas can be opened allowing Qi to gather and flow unimpeded. This results in improved flexibility, better function of the internal organs, increased vitality, and mental clarity.

The Crane Head exercises work primarily on the head (including the brain and sensory organs), neck, and the upper back. But, since the spine and the fascia around and attached to it are connected as an entirety, this also subtly effects the whole of the spine as well. Crane Head stimulates the nerve roots at each vertebra, and helps to open those difficult areas - Ya Men, and Shen Zhu.

This results in increased Qi and Blood flow through out the central nervous system, especially the brain. Ya Men lies at the base of the brain and the nerve roots there effect brain function; specifically the function of the sensory organs, especially the eyes, tongue (taste), and speech. Shen Zhu also happens to sit behind the middle Dan Tian and its nerve roots connect to both the heart and the lungs. Any stimulation and improved flexibility will have a direct effect on these two important organs.

Spinal Rotations focus on the difficult area of Ming Men, where many people have lower back pain. It has a direct connection and association to the Kidney Organs, Inherited Qi, and the lower DanTian. Internal martial artists train to initiate all movement from this point. Tai Chi in particular focuses nearly every movement around Ming Men. This is where they develop and how they are able to distribute explosive power.

Our focus is on health recovery, preservation, and longevity, which requires opening and improving the flexibility of Ming Men. Ming Men is directly associated with the adrenal glands and the secretion of hormones. When we use Ming Men as the pivot point in rotating the spine it stimulates the nerve roots that connect to these important glands and improve Qi and Blood flow to the reproductive and digestive organs of the lower abdomen. The rotating movement also oscillates the vertebrae of the entire spine in a side-to-side motion, which improves flexibility of the ligaments from a different angle than those of Wall Squats and Crane Head.

The physical movement of rotation also has another effect on the middle abdomen by pressing and pulling the internal organs and generating an internal organ massage. This improves their function and their ability to repair and regenerate. It also gently stretches and opens the sacroiliac joints and the hip joints, a place where virtually everyone has stiffness and poor circulation.

When we combine the physical movements with a particular focused conscious awareness in a deep state, we can exponentially increase their effectiveness. We become QiGong Scientists, observing, learning, and penetrating the areas that have been dark and unknowable. This results in improved function of the body, even and stable emotions, and the raising of our consciousness. The layers of observation within the body are infinite. The more one observes, the more one can experience.

An internal universe awaits your discovery!

Along with this free instructional video, I have a 1½ hour guided practice available for instant download. You can click here to access it:

For more information about ZhiNeng QiGong Classes and Retreats, please visit:

Hun Yuan Ling Tong!

-RJ Singer


ZhiNeng QiGong Australia is located at the Alchemy Wellness Centre in Nashua, NSW near the village of Bangalow in the beautiful Byron Bay Hinterland.

RJ Singer is a registered Acupuncturist, and Chinese Medicine Doctor with AHPRA and AACMA. He is also a highly regarded QiGong Healer and Teacher, and Feng Shui Consultant.

RJ’s area of special skill is in the successful treatment of stubborn and difficult chronic disease, and all types of painful conditions.

Katrina Hillis is a registered Remedial & Relaxation Massage Therapist with AMT. Katrina is also an experienced Intuitive Reader and accredited ZhiNeng QiGong Practitioner. Katrina specialises in helping people overcome emotional issues, and life transitions working holistically to balance body, mind and spirit.

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