Whether at home, or traveling the world, its always a good idea to be a little prepared for dealing with acute injuries, allergies, digestive issues and the like. Many people ask me if I have a Chinese Medicine First Aid Kit for dealing with all sorts of possible issues. I have one at home, and offer a Chinese Medicine First Aid Kit to my patients to take with them that is easy to carry wherever they may go. I have put together a list of what I put in them, and what I use them for below, so you can put one together yourself.
1). Yunnan Bai Yao Powder - This little vial of white medicinal powder is amazing for stopping bleeding. It can be applied topically to wounds, or taken internally for ulcers, and intestinal bleeding. It traditionally is carried by soldiers in the Chinese and Vietnamese armies, for battle wounds and internal bleeding.
2). Ching Wan Hung Ointment - This little tube of ointment is remarkable for all kinds of burns (heat, sunburn, radiation, etc). It is amazing at reducing pain and quickening the healing process. I have also found it effective for external hemorrhoids, and dry skin patches such as eczema, and psoriasis.
3). Bee Propolis, and Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan - I use this for acute allergy and asthma attacks for 2 year olds and up. Bee Propolis works better than Benedryl or other antihistamines to reduce inflammation, and swelling. I prefer the liquid type with a dropper. I tend to drop 10-15 drops in a glass of water and drink it down. It can also be applied directly to nose and ears for acute inflammation. Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan is a Chinese Medicine Formula that reduces inflammation and swelling in the head and sensory organs. I tend to take this after taking the Bee Propolis, as they work very well together. When used in this way, patients are almost always back to normal within 3 to 6 hours.
4). Hou Xiang Zheng Qi San – This Chinese Herbal Medicine is great for acute food poisoning, nausea, and vomiting. It works fast, often stopping nausea and abdominal pain within 30 to 45 minutes.
5). Ge Gen Huang Qin Lian Tang - This is for diarrhea, and food poisoning. It too acts quickly, and you will be very happy to have this in your kit, when necessary.
6). Yin Qiao San, Ge Gen Tang, Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin - These are three formulas that are great for beating the common cold, and flu. They should be taken at the earliest signs and symptoms to knock it out and prevent it from turning into a full-fledged illness. Yin Qiao San is traditionally used for bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. Use this when you start to get the first tickle in your throat, a temperature, and head congestion. Ge Gen Tang is traditionally used for bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract as well, but the kind where your neck and shoulders tense up, and may start to ache. It is also good for occipital headaches associated with colds and flus. Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin is traditionally used for viral infections, if you have a really sore throat, and swollen glands, and high temperature, this is the formula to take.
7). Pi Pa Gao cough syrup – This is a liquid formula that is great for when a cold has gotten into the lower respiratory tract. When you have symptoms of coughing with lots of phlegm, and yellow mucus, this syrup will ease the cough and clear your lungs.
8). Herbal Medicine Plasters/Heat Patches – These adhesive patches have Chinese Herbal Medicine that can ease muscle, ligament, tendon, and joint pain. They are easily applied and give a warmth to the area, relaxing and reducing inflammation where they are applied.
9). Zheng Gu Shui Liniment – This is a traditional formula used by martial artists for bruising, and bone, tendon, ligament injuries. It helps to circulate blood, reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and strengthen bones, tendons, and ligaments.
10). Jin Huang San (Gao) - This comes in a powder or an ointment. It is used for itchy, red skin rashes, that may also be painful or burning. Perfect for insect bites, rose thorn and gardening scratches, boils, abscesses, furuncles, rashes from plants like poison ivy, and jelly fish stings.
These are my top ten first aid kit remedies. I also include the normal things like gauze, bandages, tweezers, and scissors in my own kits. This Chinese Medicine kit is intended as an emergency kit for first aid. Treatment may still be necessary, but these cover a lot of the things that we normally see and experience everyday.
If you would like to purchase a kit from us, or book an appointment with Dr. R.J. Singer (Chinese Medicine), you can book online or contact us at www.AlchemyWellnessCentre.com.au

Alchemy Wellness Centre is located in Byron Bay, NSW Australia
RJ Singer is a registered Acupuncturist, and Chinese Medicine Doctor with AHPRA and AACMA. He is also a highly regarded QiGong Healer and Teacher, and Feng Shui Consultant. RJ’s area of special interest is in the treatment of stubborn and difficult chronic disease, and all types of painful conditions. Katrina Hillis is a Kinesiologist, and Remedial & Massage Therapist who specialises in helping people overcome trauma and life transitions working holistically to balance the body, mind and spirit.